Your institution is unique so your strategy should be unique as well. Too often, executives and directors will construct a strategic plan from old plans, use strategies that no longer work, or just brainstorm based on emotion or intuition. The environment for community financial institutions, however, has become a much faster-paced industry than it was 5 or 10 years). In addition, the industry is impacted by many more forces, challenges, new competitors, and also opportunities than ever before. These drivers highlight the need for every financial institution to design a living, breathing strategic plan to thrive and grow.
After this webinar you’ll be able to:
Whether your institution lacks a cohesive strategy, or just wants to review existing plan(s), this webinar will address questions including:
You will walk away with tools and ideas to:
Target Audience: This informative session is designed for the board of directors, leadership team, supervisors with planning responsibilities, chief risk officers, and everyone involved in strategic planning process.
For more information and to register, click here.