Inspiring and Educating Financial Services Leaders™
“You provided many useful, thought-provoking tips which I will apply to my own career.”
<strong>Susan Barth</strong>
“I had a wonderful time and your talk was so good. You are a wonderful speaker with a keen intelligence, fantastic wit and such a beautiful and inspiring presence.”
<strong>Ruth Johnson</strong><br>CEO<br>Homes for Heros
“I loved your talk! It was the perfect combination of humor, personal insight, and professional advice. You are a very impressive, inspiring woman and leader.”
<strong>Kari Groth Swan</strong><br>Executive Director<br>Orono Foundation
“You really did a great job during your presentation. I like the way it applied to people personally and professionally and whether they are the boss or employee. Very well done. I am glad I was there.”
<strong>Joseph A Kuchinka, CLCS</strong><br>President – CEO<br>Proverus, Inc.
"Marci-you are really good at public speaking. You make it look so easy (and I know it's not). Thank you for sharing such a positive message. Sat between two people who are fans!"
<strong>Heidi Gesell</strong><br>President – CEO<br>Bank Cherokee
"THANK YOU THANK YOU for inviting us to your exceptional speaking event today! What a beautiful event! We had a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. It went by so fast! We were kinda sad it was over – you were so fun to listen to! You kept it real and relatable. I learned I need to create and delegate, for sure."
<strong>Sonia Koval</strong><br>Edina Realty - The Broll Team
"Thank you for your WONDERFUL presentation at the Wayzata Chamber event. I completely resonated with so many things you said."
<strong>Nicole Middendorf</strong><br>CEO<br>Prosperwell Financial
"I took so much away from your presentation, it is still swirling around in my head. I loved what you said about balance in one's life and focusing on it one day at a time. I also appreciated all your tips about being a good leader, but also a follower."
<strong>Tina Nillissen</strong><br>The Gate Keepers LLC
"I absolutely loved your presentation today."
<strong>Cathy Kaukedahl</strong><br>SVP Business Development<br>Tradition Capital Bank
"I loved your talk! It was the perfect combination of humor, personal insight, and professional advice. You are a very impressive, inspiring woman and leader."
<strong>Kari Groth Swan</strong><br>Executive Director<br>Orono Foundation
"....such an inspiring talk!"
<strong>Ashley Halland</strong><br>Owner<br>Lavish Salon Wayzata
"I had the opportunity to attend your presentation and book signing at the EncourageHerNetwork meeting on Monday, January 25. I was really inspired by your presentation and I have started reading your book "The Fire Within: Connect Your Gifts with Your Calling" and it is really excellent."
<strong>Elizabeth Summers/strong><br>Executive Area Manager<br>Arbonne International
"Thank you for your heartfelt and faith filled presentation to Encourage Her Network."
<strong>Julia Trygstad</strong><br>Doncaster Executive Wardrobe Services
"Enjoyed the presentation and this information will be valuable to our organization."
<strong>Jill Hasiak</strong><br>Digital Banking Manager<br>People's Bank
"The training was very helpful. I’m confident the time I spent in training was well worth it and will help Wayne Bank with a well thought out implementation plan."
<strong>Robert Weaver</strong><br>Wayne Bank
"The Cash Management Workshop was beneficial. Thank you for sharing your knowledge."
<strong>Tana Lobb</strong>
"This was my 8th IBA class, and the best one to date. It was very informative and I was actually given tools to implement at First Federal. Thank you again and I’ll be sure to look for your next class!"
<strong>Andrew Martin</strong><br>AVP Treasury Management/Commercial Lender<br>First Federal Savings Bank
"The training was great! So many wonderful insights and very relevant to what I'm working on today."
<strong>Andy Burakiewicz</strong><br>Vice President - Director of Treasury Management <br>Citizens State Bank
"I really enjoyed the workshop a few weeks ago!"
<strong>Samantha Vanosky</strong><br>AVP, Treasury Management Officer<br>Peoples Bank
"Thank you Marci for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us. I so enjoyed this workshop and will use so many of the tools you and the others shared."
<strong>Kim Harless</strong><br>Financial Services Specialist
"I really enjoyed this workshop. I found it very beneficial and made some good contacts."
<strong>Peggy Jasper</strong><br>AVP, Treasury Management Specialist<br>Grand River Bank
"Thank you Marci! I really enjoyed your presentation and learned a lot!"
<strong>Ashley Ulberg</strong><br>AVP, Retail Banking<br>Highpoint Community Bank
"The Treasury Management / Cash Management Workshop was very informative, and has given me deeper understanding of pain points and solutions of the community banking industry."
<strong>Shenika Telfair</strong><br>Treasury Management & Electronic Banking Specialist<br>Northstar Bank
"It was a great forum. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have already started sharing the information."
<strong>Christine Goodman Held</strong><br>Vice President, Cash Management<br>Bank of Ann Arbor
"What an awesome presentation you put on today! Thank you for inviting us and having us as your guests. The energy you share with the room is amazing and inspirational."
<strong>Erin Procko</strong><br>President<br>Bell State Bank & Trust
"Thanks again for having me as a guest at today's luncheon. You did a terrific job....such an inspiring and energizing message!"
<strong>Todd Lee</strong><br>President<br>Bell State Bank & Trust
"It was so special to have you at our Book Club last night! Marci, your stories, touched the hearts of all of us."
<strong>Kathy Gilkey</strong><br>Book Club
"I have had a wonderful day, in part due to the inspiration I gleaned from you this morning."
<strong>Tim Cadwallader</strong><br>ASPIRE EAP Counselor
"Thanks for sharing with our team last week. I found your stories amazing!"
<strong>Karen Kirby</strong><br>Sales District Leader<br>American Family Insurance
"I was blown away by your presentation tonight at the HACE leadership program. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us and inspire us to do better and pursue our dreams."
<strong>Maggy Osorio</strong>
"Thank you so much for presenting for us in Arizona. It was a great presentation that was inspiring on many levels. I certainly hope our paths cross again."
<strong>Tanya McCoy Yeridan</strong><br>Center for Scholastic Inquiry
"You provided many useful, thought-provoking tips which I will apply to my own career. I hope that our paths will cross again at a future TCHRA program."
<strong>Susan Barth</strong><br>Human Resources Professional
"I heard you present on the TCHRA webinar today - you have had some great experiences!"
<strong>Marie Campion</strong><br>Human Resources Manager<br>Bergan KDV
"Your enthusiasm for your work is infectious. I felt more fired up after our conversation."
<strong>Tom LaForce</strong><br>Founder<br>LaForce Teamwork Services
"Thank you for your presentation yesterday. It was a blessing to be in the room and see all you have done to make the world of HR a much better place."
<strong>Laura Johnson</strong><br>Consultant<br>Stacknology, Inc.
"I just attended your webinar “ Developing and Enterprise-Wide Risk Assessment” and it was very informative and helpful."
<strong>Sharice Wilson Smalls</strong><br>Loan Servicing<br>Carver State Bank
"Great meeting yesterday! I always enjoy coming to meetings that you lead and they are very productive."
<strong>James Mack</strong><br>President<br>Pine Island Bank
"I also thought the session went very well & you did a fabulous job! Thank you so much for presenting. As always, you are a joy to work with."
<strong>Kim Philipson</strong><br>Executive & Education Coordinator<br>Minnesota Bankers Association
"Thanks once again for a great job. Engaging talk and students really enjoyed it."
<strong>Tom Prichard</strong><br>Program Director<br>MN Family Council
"Very glad you shared your experience and vision of banking with all of us. Truly inspirational!"
<strong>Adam Vee</strong><br>Commercial Loan Officer<br>American Heritage National Bank
"I loved both of your presentations."
<strong>Julie Winters</strong><br>Information Security Officer<br>Kensington Bank
"Thank you again for helping make the inaugural LEAD Conference such a huge success."
<strong>Christian Mogenson</strong><br>Interactive Media Director<br>Think Mutual Bank
"Your topics were pertinent and your energy level was contagious! By all accounts, this event was a success."
<strong>Shelly Steere</strong><br>CFO and COO<br>Grand Rapids State Bank
"I really enjoyed your presentations at the ICBM LEAD Conference."
<strong>Terri Barrett</strong><br>Vice President<br>Financial Security Bank
"Marcia (Marci) Malzahn did a great job describing Enterprise Risk Management at the Bank Holding Company Association."
<strong>Kris St. Martin</strong><br>CBIZ
"Your presentation was awesome. I grabbed extra sets of your handout and promo material and shared them with my senior team."
<strong>Greg Larson</strong><br>President & CEO<br>Drake Bank
"I thank you for your presentation, you did a great job."
<strong>Greg LaFrance</strong><br>HTG Architects
"It was wonderful meeting you at the seminar. Thank you so much for presenting your breakout!"
<strong>Kelly Kracht</strong><br>Bank Holding Company Association
"Great seminar on Monday in Lansing Mi! Thank you for sharing your input and knowledge."
<strong>Jenna Walczak</strong><br>Treasury Management Sales Office
"Thank you very much for a great presentation. I really enjoyed the format and the opportunity to dialogue with other banks in the area."
<strong>Debbie Clow</strong><br>Treasury Management Sales Officer<br>Flagstar Bank
"Thank you, Marci. You did a fabulous job! I walked out feeling like I just learned a lot about the subject and that I had many new friends. I would highly recommend Marci Malzahn of Malzahn Strategic as a motivational speaker for a conference or for an educational event training."
<strong>Jill Verscheure</strong><br>Michigan Bankers Association
"Thank you so much for a great webinar it was extremely educational."
<strong>Laly Larson</strong><br>Risk Mitigation & Security Manager<br>Members Cooperative Credit Union
"I attended your session yesterday on ERM strategies for credit unions and found it to be incredibly helpful."
<strong>Peter Fauth</strong><br>CFO<br>Financial Plus Credit Union
"I enjoyed your webinar presentation on Creating an ERM yesterday."
<strong>Heather Green</strong><br>Information Security Officer<br>Listerhill Credit Union
"Thank you for your presentation on Three Key Risk Assessments: ERM, IT, Internal Controls. I found it quite informative."
<strong>A. Kim Crosby</strong><br>Compliance Risk Specialist<br>Travis Credit Union
"...very informative and helpful."
<strong>Lisa Hayden</strong><br>Cash Management Sales Specialist<br>Peoples Trust Company
"...found your presentation very informative and eye opening to the complexities and evolvement of Cash Management."
<strong>Lisa Morrissey</strong><br>Treasury Management Sales Officer<br>Rockland Trust
"Thank you for the excellent training."
<strong>Elisa Rollo</strong><br>VP Deposit Operations<br>The Stephenson National Bank & Trust
"Great intro to CM presentation yesterday! Your explanation of block chain technology was one of the best I’ve heard."
<strong>Greg Asbelle</strong><br>Director of Cash Management Services<br>North State Bank
"Just wanted to say thank you for leading such a great meeting! You definitely kept the discussion going and I think people really found value in."
<strong>Nicole Hanger</strong><br>Education/ASM Coordinator<br>Minnesota Bankers Association
"I loved your webinar on Cash Management and found it very helpful and informative."
<strong>Cheryl Dillon</strong><br>Treasury Services Officer<br>The Bank of Fincastle
"I have been listening to your three part series on ERM I have found it very helpful."
<strong>Bonita Flynn</strong><br>Community State Bank
"I really enjoyed your presentation today!"
<strong>Rhonda Hilsendeger</strong><br>Enterprise Risk Manager<br>Plains Commerce Bank
"Thank you for the presentation – I thought it was very well presented."
<strong>Angie Peña</strong><br>Treasury Management<br>Allegiance Bank
"Thanks for hosting a very insightful and thoughtful webinar this morning."
<strong>Brian Kern</strong><br>VP Commercial Lending<br>Merchants and Manufacturers Bank
"Your inward determination and extraordinary life experiences demonstrate your goodness and talents that were given to you by God to help others grow in their own unique way and mission."
<strong>James Larson</strong>
"I was able to takeaway a lot of good information. Thank you for presenting!"
<strong>Dan Hennen</strong>
"Great speech today at Rotary."
<strong>Norrie Thomas</strong>
"I enjoyed your presentation on ERM. You made the process sound so easy and as you explained things, we realized we have a lot of the pieces, we probably just need to organize it better."
<strong>Sheila Crystaloski</strong><br>Chief Technology Officer<br>Standard Bank of PA
"Thank you for the informative webinar on Key Risk Assessments."
<strong>Sarah Yagla</strong><br>Internal Auditor<br>Farmers State Bank
"I enjoyed your presentation today."
<strong>Greg Bissell</strong><br>Director of Risk Management<br>First Bank
"Your presentation was very beneficial for our risk management team."
<strong>Shannon Capps</strong><br>Executive Vice President<br>Union State Bank
"Thank you for your guidance."
<strong>Allan Towle</strong><br>President<br>Fidelity State Bank & Trust Co.
"Thank you for the informative webinar."
<strong>Scott MacIntyre</strong><br>Information Technology Manager<br>Massachusetts Housing Partnership
<strong>Karen Graham</strong><br>Chief Operations Officer<br>Crest Savings Bank
"Thank you!"
<strong>Karen Stanek</strong><br>Cashier<br>Farmers State Bank
"Your examples...are so good, you might have trained yourself out of a coaching job."
<strong>Paul Thorson</strong><br>Director of IT Services<br>Heritage Bank, NA
<strong>Scott Hamer</strong><br>CFO<br>First Secure Bank and Trust
"Thank you for your insights."
<strong>Carlyn Carey</strong><br>Corporate Counsel & Compliance Officer<br>The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod
"Thank you very much for the really great and informative webinar."
<strong>Pam Westland</strong><br>Compliance Officer<br>People's Bank of Commerce
"We appreciate your breaking this topic down this way and providing us the tools and direction to manage it."
<strong>Sarah Ruffin</strong><br>First Vice President<br>The National Bank of Texas
"Heard your session today. Thank you!"
<strong>Asiyah Ratrie</strong><br>Income and Core Deposits<br>
"Great webinar on cash management. I learned quite a bit. Thank you."
<strong>Mark Nance</strong>
"I wanted to let you know that the webinar from the 17th was very informative. You really shared some great information."
<strong>Jamie Wheeler</strong><br>Treasury Management<br>AVB Bank
"Well done!"
<strong>Bob DeMoura</strong><br>Chief Information Officer<br>Bristol County Savings Bank
"Enjoyed your webinar this afternoon on strategic planning!"
<strong>Clint Shoemaker</strong><br>Vice President<br>Guaranty State Bank & Trust Co.
"I enjoyed your presentation…"
<strong>Lori Saunders</strong><br>Chief Operations Officer<br>Plains State Bank
"I appreciate you taking the time to present the webinar today."
<strong>Samantha Dawson</strong><br>Deposit Services Relationship Manager<br>Mercantile Bank
"I just got out of your cash management webinar and loved it!!"
<strong>Kayla Ortega</strong><br>Retail Operations Specialist<br>Opportunity Bank of Montana
"Thank you for your time today, it was fascinating and educational."
<strong>Lori Cross</strong><br>Product Development Specialist<br>Central Minnesota Credit Union
“I participated in the Empowering Women in Banking Virtual Summit. I enjoyed your presentation. Thank you for sharing your personal life with us. Such an inspirational journey.”
<strong>Garciela Garcia</strong><br>Vice President<br>Middle Market Banking at JPMorgan Chase & Co
"I enjoyed your presentation yesterday and definitely learned a few things.”
<strong>Elena Staabs</strong><br>Business Portfolio Manager<br>Investors Community Bank
"Great Virtual Women in Banking Summit! Thank you.”
<strong>Dawn Ferrari</strong><br>Vice President – Human Resources & Talent Management Officer<br>Stoneham Bank
“Thanks for the great Empowering Women Summit!”
<strong>Melissa Sciuto</strong><br> Business Client Services Administrator<br>Merrimack County Savings Bank
“It was great listening to you on the topic of Leadership today. I left the seminar with some great take-a-ways and can't wait to get your book!”
<strong>Katie Bowman</strong><br>Senior Credit Analyst<br>WBD Inc.
“Marci, thank you for the great "girl power" seminar today.”
<strong>Teri Van Tassel</strong><br>AVP<br>Bank of Sun Prairie
“Absolutely loved hearing from you on the WBA Women in Leadership seminar today.”
<strong>Heidi Shorougian</strong><br>Organizational Development Coordinator<br>Citizens Bank, WI
“Me gusta su acento! Me encanta!”
<strong>Carrie Falk</strong>
"Gracias! Soy de Esteli, Nicaragua"
<strong>Reyna Jarquin</strong><br>Branch Manager<br>Park Bank - Madison
"Marci, THANK YOU!! The awesome feedback is rolling in, so it definitely was an overall success! We're so happy to have partnered with you on this new program, your message was powerful and inspiring! Thank you!"
<strong>Lori Kalscheuer </strong><br>Director-Education <br>Wisconsin Bankers Association
"Thank YOU for a great presentation today! I have so many good takeaways from your presentation today and by hosting one of the peer groups, the others did as well. I look forward to the next event we have you at."
<strong>Jody Roos</strong><br>Association Meeting Planner<br>Wisconsin Bankers Association
"Here’s one response that we got, actually forwarded to me from the bank CEO who got this from their employee after she attended. The CEO is on our board as well, so that’s awesome to get feedback like this! I truly enjoyed the Ten Tips to Help You Achieve Balance in your life. It really hit home (especially with everything going on in the past four months) when she talked about surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you and establishing boundaries. I think during the past four months have found myself submerging myself in work (both Chase and National Guard) more than ever and I always want to do one more thing to help, but at the end of the day sometimes I need to take a step back and make sure that I am taking care of myself. Marci was a great speaker and I enjoyed how enthusiastic she was. She really pumped me up for the day."
<strong>Lori Kalscheuer</strong><br>Director-Education <br>Wisconsin Bankers Association
"Thank you so much for speaking to our group. It clearly was well-received! Thank you for being so energetic to keep everyone’s attention in a virtual program."
<strong>Rose Oswald </strong><br>CEO<br>Wisconsin Bankers Association
"Thank you! It was a great discussion. Loved the speaker!"
<strong>Sharon Gorrell</strong><br>External Affairs<br>Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
"I really enjoyed your presentation yesterday. I hosted one of the breakout sessions and I can tell you that your message was very well received by the other women attendees too! Your stories were inspirational and your enthusiasm contagious! Thank you for taking the time to share your message with all of us. I really look forward to receiving and reading your book as well."
<strong>Shelly Rohde </strong><br>Senior Vice President – CFO/COO <br>American National Bank Fox Cities
"I truly enjoyed your presentation at the WI Women In Banking virtual conference. Thank you for sharing your insight."
<strong>Tracey Smiskey</strong><br>Market President<br>Northwestern Bank
"Enjoyed your virtual women in banking presentation today!"
<strong>Janie Garcia</strong><br>Senior Collateral Verification Specialist<br>Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
"I enjoyed your presentation yesterday and definitely learned a few things."
<strong>Elena Staabs</strong><br>Business Portfolio Manager<br>Investors Community Bank
"I was on the WBA Empowering Women event yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. Thanks for sharing your story and for the motivational message. I'd love to connect. Can't wait to receive my copy of your book! Thanks!"
<strong>Natalie Gregerson</strong><br>Director of Marketing/Officer<br>Capitol Bank
"Thank you for sharing your story!"
<strong>Deb Cone</strong><br>AVP Senior Credit Analyst<br>Premier Bank
"Thanks for a great summit! I really enjoyed your presentation and I also enjoyed being a facilitator for one of the break outs!"
<strong>Meredith Strieff</strong><br>Assistant Vice President<br>Horicon Bank
"I did really enjoy the seminar and was able to tune into leadership qualities I possess and areas I can pursue growth."
<strong>Melanie Lein</strong><br>Senior Client Relationship Specialist<br>First Business
"I really enjoyed your event and your zest to solve problems and make things happen is inspiring. You are definitely a go-getter! Congrats on all your success. I just got your book today so I'm anxious to read it."
<strong>Cassie Healy</strong><br>Business Banking Relationship Manager<br>PMorgan Chase & Co.
"I truly enjoyed your Zoom meeting last week and hearing about your professional journey. I am looking forward to reading your book as well. Thanks again."
<strong>Sharon Zacharias</strong><br>Senior Vice President, Human Resources Director<br>First Seacoast Bank
"Thanks for giving such a great presentation! I was thrilled to see you were the keynote speaker for this summit-I attended the WBA Leadership Summit last year where you were one of the main speakers and thoroughly enjoyed your insights!"
<strong>Megan Pea</strong><br>Deposit Operations Officer<br>Horicon Bank
"I really enjoyed your presentation and being part of the discussion groups."
<strong>Pamela Kelly</strong><br>President<br>FIPCO
"I enjoyed your presentation yesterday for WI Bankers Association."
<strong>Kristi Henning</strong><br>Credit Analyst<br>Investors Community Bank
"Thank you for speaking at the Summit. You are a wonderful speaker; extremely motivational!"
<strong>Briel Kohl</strong><br>Commercial Loan Officer<br>Capitol Bank
"Enjoyed your virtual women in banking presentation today!"
<strong>Janie Garcia</strong><br>Senior Collateral Verification Specialist<br>Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago
"I truly enjoyed the summit and look forward to reading the book! I will gladly sign up for the newsletter to continue to advance and challenge myself with growth and development."
<strong>Pamela Blattner</strong><br>Branch Manager<br>Bank of Sun Prairie
"I loved it!!! Thank you so much!"
<strong>Stephanie Stevens-Khan</strong><br>Business Relationship Manager<br>JPMorgan Chase & Co
"I LOVE the story you shared about missing the deadline for learning English, because I can relate to that.(Your English is perfect though) When we immigrated to the US, I was 11 years old too, and until this day I still have a hard time learning proper English. You inspire me and makes me want to learn more about me. I love your presentation, it was very informative. I've learned alot from it. Thank you so much!"
<strong>Kayeng Moua</strong><br>Officer, Senior Personal Banker<br>Peoples State Bank
"Thank you so much for taking the time to speak to our club this week. It really means a lot that you would take the time out of your day to speak with us and share your journey. Your story was super inspiring and left me feeling very energized and in a great mood! I was even inspired to do yoga this morning after you talked about the value Theresa has added to your life. You are a very engaging speaker and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you and would love to have you back next semester if you are interested."
<strong>Katie Daly</strong><br>Officer, Vice President<br>University of Minnesota Entrepreneurship Club
"Thank you so much for speaking with us at the Entre Club! I have absolutely LOVED both of your presentations this year! You are so inspiring and knowledgable and I tell my parents everything you teach us at the dinner table after every talk you give. I can't wait to read your book!"
<strong>Noah Jacobson</strong><br>Officer, Student<br>University of Minnesota Entrepreneurship Club
I had the pleasure of attending Marcia Malzahn's keynote speech at our Leadership Summit at Christensen Farms, and I was thoroughly impressed. Marcia has a unique ability to connect with and relate to a diverse audience, effortlessly engaging men and women, employees with varying levels of education, immigrants, farm and office staff alike. Her journey is nothing short of incredible. As a Nicaraguan refugee and full-time working mom, Marcia climbed the corporate ladder to become the CFO of a bank, all without a formal degree. Her story of overcoming adversity is truly inspiring. She candidly shares the sacrifices she made to prioritize her family and emphasizes that personal and professional development isn't always sequential—everything happened at the right time for her. Marcia's authenticity shines through both in her one-on-one interactions and when she is in front of a crowd. What you see is truly what you get, and her genuine nature makes her message even more powerful. Her message of resiliency in the face of hardship resonated deeply with everyone in the room. I highly recommend Marcia Malzahn as a keynote speaker for any event.
Jayme Enamorado - Christensen Farms
I had the pleasure of attending Marcia Malzahn's keynote speech at our Leadership Summit at Christensen Farms, and I was thoroughly impressed. Marcia has a unique ability to connect with and relate to a diverse audience, effortlessly engaging men and women, employees with varying levels of education, immigrants, farm and office staff alike. Her journey is nothing short of incredible. As a Nicaraguan refugee and full-time working mom, Marcia climbed the corporate ladder to become the CFO of a bank, all without a formal degree. Her story of overcoming adversity is truly inspiring. She candidly shares the sacrifices she made to prioritize her family and emphasizes that personal and professional development isn't always sequential—everything happened at the right time for her. Marcia's authenticity shines through both in her one-on-one interactions and when she is in front of a crowd. What you see is truly what you get, and her genuine nature makes her message even more powerful. Her message of resiliency in the face of hardship resonated deeply with everyone in the room. I highly recommend Marcia Malzahn as a keynote speaker for any event.
Jayme Enamorado